Wow! These Haitian days always manage to exhaust me. I'm ready again to go curl up into bed and fall fast asleep (before the roosters and dogs awaken me at 6am on the dot). It must be something about the sun mixed with the relatively laid back days and then cool weather nights that lull me to sleep.
We spent the morning at the guesthouse with David and attempted to set-up our own photo studio with a white bedsheet and a clothesline. Nothing too spectacular came out of it, so we'll give it another go tomorrow and see if we can get some more smiles and less wiggles :-)
Then this afternoon, we did a little sight-seeing and then spent several hours at the orphanage. Dad worked on a few odds and ends type jobs (such as installing a baby gate & some outlet covers), Mom read books with the older kids and then enjoyed holding and rocking some of the littlest ones, and I sort of roamed around playing, holding, feeding, etc whoever was the nearest. The kids were about the most well-behaved that I've ever seen them and it was a pretty enjoyable time. David showed some more 'true 2 yr oldness' by taking toys from other kids and pushing them. Nothing unusual for his age, but its a side of him that I don't see when one-on-one. The reality of soon having 2 bickering boys at home became more real while watching him :-P
Jay & I are going to attempt to video-phone tomorrow so that Josh and David can 'meet.' Cross your fingers that the connection is fast enough!