I'm ready for bed (traveling can definitely do that to me!), but I wanted to post a quick update. No real excitement from traveling to report. We made it here fine and uneventfully.
From the airport, we were able to stop by the orphanage for a quick visit before heading to the guest house for the night. I am so totally in love with my little boy! David has grown taller, but his sweet personality remains the same :-) At this age, I wasn't sure how he would react to me or my mom and dad. Its been a few months since I have last seen him, and I didn't expect for him to remember me. Well, I don't know how it works, but I really do feel like he knows that I'm his mom (I'll definitely call that a God-thing). We only stayed for about 20 minutes, but when we went to leave he whimpered when I put him down and tried to climb back into my arms. My heart was/is totally melted!
The orphanage looks fantastic! A mission team was here a few weeks back and built some doorways, gates, and shelves. The place feels much more spacious now and feels very organized and clean. (Nice job Tracey!). The kids all looked great as well. Some of the little ones who were barely moving around back in October were walking around, smiling, playing, etc. It was a good feeling to see.
Anyway, off to bed I go. Tomorrow is a day at the guesthouse with David since Rachel has a bunch of important errands to run (a visa and passport to hopefully pick-up for 2 of the girls!). I'm really looking forward to the day with him.
I'll post more when I get a chance.