I recently got an e-mail from our adoption agency asking for people to donate various items to the orphanage we're working with in Haiti. I thought I'd pass it along, in case anyone is interested.
Here's some of the e-mail:
"Our Haiti partner has recently secured a building for the orphans to call home while they are awaiting their adoptive families. The orphanage will need many things from mattresses to bottles, diaper creme to tennis shoes, thermometers to a refrigerator. Haiti is not a manufacturing country and therefore must import most all of it's goods. So many Lifelink families and friends have asked to be a part of a hands-on project that we through some of you might like to participate in this worthwhile cause for children. Lifelink's Florida office will collect items and arrange for transport to Haiti. To make the process a bit easier, Lifelink has "registered" with Target.com and Babiesrus.com. At the sites, you can see the needed items, purchase, and have your item(s) shipped directly to Lifelink's Florida office. All donations are tax deductible! Lifelink is very excited about the opportunity to care for children in Haiti! Your care and support is greatly apprecitated!

If you're interested here are the links to the orphanage's registries. Basically, you can just order from there and have it sent to the agency's Florida office where they will then deliver the items to Haiti.
Target Registry
Babies 'R 'Us Registry
Also an FYI: there are some Target.com discount codes here.