We're now in the beginning stages of the Home Study process. Every type of adoption requires a Home Study. As quoted from Wikipedia, "a home study is a lengthy document prepared by a social worker who meets with the family and inspects the dwelling to verify that the family would make suitable adoptive parents. " Before we can send any paperwork to Haiti (aka, the dossier), this first needs to be completed. We've been told that it typically takes 3-4 months through our agency and during that time we'll also be filling out the dossier.
This weekend, we spent several hours answering numerous questions for the Self-study essay. 17 typed pages and, in our opinion, one well written paper later we finished that part. Basically, the questions covered most everything in our lives :-P From reading this our social worker will now know details ranging from our childhood favorite sports to disciplining strategies to our pet-peeves and lots of misc info. in between!
We have our first meeting with our Social Worker, Diane, in early March.