Sunday, October 28, 2007


The referral came (and has been accepted!).

We'd like to introduce you to David!

Our caseworker called us Thursday night to let us know that she had received some pictures and David's medical record. She dropped them off to us on Friday. The medical record was still in French (the English version is coming next week), but thanks to numerous online translators we were able to figure most of it out.

David is 6 months old (born May 2, 2007) and is a healthy little guy who at 4 months olds weighed 14 pounds (more than Josh was at that age) and was 25 inches.

We accepted the referral and now wait some more. This time we're waiting on the Haitian government. Depending on how quickly their adoption offices are moving, David could be here with us anywhere from a few months from now to a year or more. Prayers are greatly appreciated! Our hope is to visit David in Haiti within the next few weeks, but we're waiting to hear back from our agency and the orphanage to see if they'd rather we get through the first few government steps before visiting.

Here are some more pictures. These are from the end of August, so he's about 4 months old at the time. The woman in the pictures is David's birth mom, Gerda. Jay and I were pretty choked up looking at her and realizing how difficult this whole situation is. There are definitely a lot of emotions involved from every angle. We also know that these pictures are going to be like gold to David as he grows up.

We'll keep you updated as we find out more.